“India has taken a remarkable step by investing Rs 10 lakh crore in the infrastructure sector during the post-Covid period focusing on upgrading rail, road and airport infrastructure network nationwide. The CE industry has emerged as a key player in the country's infrastructure development. The Government’s Infrastructure Sector Vision for 2047 can enable the CE industry to increase its size two to three times in the coming years.”, said Pralhad Joshi, Minister of Coal, Mines, and Parliamentary Affairs, while addressing ICEMA Annual Session 2023.
He further added that the accelerated pace of mining and coal production activity in the country would not have been possible without the support of the Construction Equipment Industry. While stating the future plans of the government he said “the government is committed to doubling electrification by 2030 while simultaneously planning to halt coal imports by 2025-26. To meet at least half of the same through thermal power generation, coal would be required and coal production is expected to go up. The Government plans to take up coal production in FY23-24 to over one billion tonnes for the first time in history. Additionally, Coal Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have made plans to invest Rs 2.5 lakh crore by 2030 in new businesses.”
He emphasized that the CE industry will play a very important role in the success of these plans and urged the industry players to focus on ‘Make in India’ and be better equipped with the latest technologies and products to help projects like these a success, Joshi said.
Joshi was the Chief Guest at one of the Plenary Sessions of the Indian Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association’s (ICEMA) Annual Session 2023. ICEMA Annual Session is one of the flagship events organized for the Indian CE industry to network, connect, share and get updates from the Government and industry leaders on a variety of relevant topics related to CE industry.
Sandeep Singh, Past President, ICEMA and MD, Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Company, in his welcome remarks, thanked the government for its initiatives to accelerate the pace of mining activities and coal production in the country which has been instrumental in driving the growth of the Indian CE industry, which recorded a remarkable 26% growth during FY23, with sales having overall construction equipment sales having surpass the 1 lakh mark for the first time in its history. Mining contributes about 20-30% of total demand of construction equipment.
Arvind Garg, Past President, ICEMA and Senior Vice President, L&T - Construction & Mining Machinery Business assured the Government of the full support of the Indian CE industry in fulfilling the Vision of the government and in taking forward the nation towards 2047.
Dimitrov Krishnan, immediate past President, ICEMA and MD, Volvo CE India requested Joshi for his support towards the CE industry’s PLI scheme proposal which is developed with an aim to increase the indigenisation level by attracting large suppliers to India, and also for making skill certification mandatary for mining projects which is essential to increase safety.